Why Give to The Bridges House?
New Hampshire is not a state that would call our executive residence a “mansion.” The Bridges House is a state treasure that is used by the governor and other state agencies as a meeting facility. The home hosts visiting dignitaries and corporate executives who are interested in doing business with our state. The property is also available to be used by the community, non-profits, and other civic organizations.
The renovations of The Bridges House are mostly complete and the beauty of the residence has been restored to its potential. But we must continue to raise the necessary funds to provide furnishings and equipment to ensure the functionality of the facility. Interior needs, such as tables, chairs, décor, and audio/visual equipment will help provide a useful and functional meeting space for organizations.
Your tax-deductible donation will enable The Bridges House to serve as a functioning state treasure, enjoyed by all our residents and guests for many years to come. Contributions should be made payable to Friends of Bridges House and mailed to PO Box 3967, Concord New Hampshire 03302.
If you would like to help, but it’s not within your means to give a cash donation, you may consider offering services to The Bridges House that will aid in keeping this historic home functioning to its fullest potential. To learn more click here.